Gon Spawn Timer

  1. Gon Spirit Beast
  2. Wow Gon Spawn Timer
  3. Gon Spawn Timer
...First off, I like how I try and search the forums for 'Arcturis' and come up with '

Spawn Timer: The spawn timer on the Spectral Feather is hard to pinpoint, mostly due to phasing. People have reported seeing spawns as little as 30min apart, and much much longer (several hours). I personally witnessed a spawn timer of about 45 minutes more than once.

I was at one of the henry co lakes today and around 8:30 am. Bass started jumping like crazy in the middle of the lake in 40 feet of water. So i drove over and started casting a white fluke around the fish jumping and caught 12 two pound fish in about an hour.then it stopped. One of the fish. In this video i demonstrate how to unlock and tame the Spirit Raptor Found in Orgimmar - There is small egg that spawns here that will summon the spirit rapt. The Horde equivalent of the Spectral Gryphon, this raptor pet is found in Orgrimmar in the Warlock Trainer's hut in the Valley of Spirits. There is a pile of skulls located there and a Spectral Eggshell spawns for those in Beast Mastery spec. Once clicked, Gon will spawn. Note that there is a cooldown on the respawn for Spectral Eggshell. I was lucky enough to tame Gon twice today 8/24/18. The first time was @11:30am & again @5:01pm Server time on Cairne. Good Luck and Happy Hunting! I can confirm a post that i had read that the spawn timer can be anywhere between 15mins and 14hrs. I got 2 in a little over 5hrs.

The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: arcturis.

Gon Spirit Beast

' Way to go, my fellow pet-lovers. X3
Anyway! I've been sitting at the Big Blue Bear's only spawn point on-and-off over the weekend, for several-hour stretches (_NPCScan, RareFinder, and SilverDragon all on, volume up, and cache clean, of course). I've made a post on my realm forum asking if anyone knows when he was tamed/killed over the last few weeks, seeing if I can spare myself from his massive gap in respawn.
Which brings me to the heart of the matter here: Does anyone have any solid information on his respawn time? i.e. sat with a guildmate or something for two consecutive spawns so you both could get him? I've heard 10-12 hours and 20-24 hours, which would obviously encompass the former...
So yeah! Any help would be appreciated.
Not to be confused with Gonk.
RaceRaptor (Beast)
LocationValley of Spirits, Orgrimmar
Pet familySpirit beast
Inky blue spirit raptor

Gon is a raptorspirit beast that can be found in the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar. It is summoned by interacting with a Spectral Eggshell that occasionally appears in the pile of skulls next to Shadow-Walker Zuru.


  • The Spectral Eggshell can only be seen by Beast Masterhunters of at least level 110, but anyone can see Gon once it’s been summoned. Because Gon scales in level, a Beast Master of as low as level 65 can tame it.
  • Alliance can tame this beast as well, though they will have to deal with enemy guards (and, potentially, players).

Notes and trivia

Gon spirit beast
  • Gon's name is similar to that of the raptor loaGonk.
  • Gon's name may be a reference to the manga and video game dinosaur character of the same name.
  • Gon is the first raptor spirit beast.

Patches and hotfixes

Wow Gon Spawn Timer

  • Hotfix (2017-04-19): 'Fixed a bug that occasionally kept Gon from spawning as expected.'
  • Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Added.

See also

  • Lost Spectral Gryphon - Stormwind City counterpart

External links

Gon Spawn Timer

Retrieved from 'https://wow.gamepedia.com/Gon?oldid=5646358'